Lazy lazy lazy!

If you haven’t noticed by now I am still trying to get the hang of this 365 thing! I have been taking the photos but fall badly behind on the blog posts. I partially blame my current boom in interest with both my family/couple photography and my new growing fashion/glamour photography (which takes waaaaayyyyyy more planning than it should!!) So I have decided to compromise but by no means am I giving up!! I will be doing only weekly updates of the photos that I took that week every Sunday unless of course I take one that just can’t wait lol this project is actually a lot tougher than I thought but it really does force you to try new things and gives to the opportunity to really capture everything in your entire world. Big thanks to those few who do continue to follow daily and major MAJOR props to those who can pull this craziness off so beautifully lol (I’m talking to you MotherWithDesign!)
So tomorrow will be my catch up day then I you can tune in every Sunday for my weekly progress πŸ™‚ Wish me luck!!

Day 24: A Day On The Town

I know I skipped two days but I have the photos I’m just being a little lazy. We are busy trying to make our bedroom boudoir ready so I can expand to that style a little more πŸ™‚ So for now I’m doing this from my iPhone so sorry if my grammar is a little off autocorrect should help me out lol
Today was great I finally made the ad for my valentines special and it got me a great boost in bookings and interests! Also hubs got his truck into the shop finally and we got to go to lunch with him before having to give him back πŸ™‚ Just little snaps from the day like I said it was great and not much explaining is needed!



Like I said they are iPhone pictures but pictures none the less πŸ™‚

Day 22: CAKE!

I. Love. Baking.
That’s it I mean its just so fantastically amazingly awesome. The part I think I love the best is that it’s such a great thing to do with your children. I loved baking with my Meme so much and it really did light a flame for me. Unlike cooking dinner where they can’t be near the hot stovetop, or help cut things, or any of that dangerous business, baking is as easy as mixing it together, eating some yummy batter, rolling it out or pouring delicious mixtures into pans or crusts. It’s just so much fun and something I plan on thoroughly doing with my munchkin every chance I get πŸ™‚




Day 21: Relaxation

Well hubs didn’t have too bad of a hangover from the night before but he did decide to sleep in until about 11 o’clock. Before hoping in the shower he begged for some breakfast tacos so me and Little K ran up to the store and filled daddy’s request and relaxed for the rest of the day πŸ™‚

Oh but one major accomplishment for mom! Finally got a little workout group so hopefully we can slim down a little for the next ball and also for some upcoming beach weather!

And yes both photos today seem to include little Snickers. Somebody we jumping in front of the camera today lol

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Day 20:The Birthday You’ll Never Remember

Yes we are family people and when it comes to our daughter we are SUPER responsible. So don’t mistake any of this for us being “party crazy” At the end of the day we are still just two youngins who still like to have a good time, when Little K is safely away with the babysitters of course πŸ™‚

That leads us to my husband big birthday! Finally after already being in the army for two years able to have a beer after work. Sadly his birthday fell on a Sunday so pretty much nobody was open except the sports bars witch were packed FULL! But we still have a pretty good time at Chili’s, the Mac’s for a couple more drinks (and at this point he already threw up lol) Then a slow down back at our house. And even though normally i would take a ton of photos I decided to just sit back and enjoy the night off of being mommy and just being the trophy wife holding him up πŸ˜‰

Oh and Little K got to spend the evening/night with her best friend Mallorie and those two had a BLAST πŸ™‚ love those two together! (the photo of them was actually from like 2 months ago but i love it haha)

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Sugar Skull Shoot

This photoshoot was obviously inspired by the day of the dead makeup, or sugar skulls. I have a deep love for edgy things like this so when me and Charolette first talked about it I knew eventually I had to try one for myself πŸ™‚ Our day was a bit more hectic and after 2 MUA cancelling on us and the one we actually got getting sick on the second girl we finally got out to the farm just a few short hours before the sun was completely down~ But in all it was aΒ phenomenal shoot and I hope to do many more!

Day 19:The First of Many

I have been working like crazy trying to get this shoot put together just right and even though it was a bumpy road we made it out to the farm just in time and the models were so great we knocked it out before the sun went down and it got too cold. This is just a photo of me and the girls after everything was done πŸ™‚ In all it was a great day!!


Day 18: Running Errands

Today was a SUPER busy day for me and little K. We finally got our car back from dad for the day so we had to get someΒ businessΒ taken care of! Groceries, Diaper and clothes shopping (somebody had a growth spurt!) and a doctors appoint! Here is just a iphone photo of little K playing with one of those toy thingys at the doctors office and a silly one of the two of us in the car! πŸ™‚ Love my baby girl


Day 17: A Great Dissapointment

Failure runs through my mind. Here’s my story of pure ignorance. I got up looked outside and thought to myself, today i’m gonna go down there and take some damn pictures of them trees! So i did. Climbed through the brush and got my vans all muddy for the sake of doing something new. Got back inside, opened up my photos into photoshop to resize and maybe play with some filters. This is the part where i got dumb. I deleted the originals on the memory card BEFORE saving them to my laptop. Photoshop crashed (which btw NEVER happens) so i lost them. Angry at myself i just quit for the day. But hey I know the photos i took and to be honest they looked pretty cool and maybe sometime this week I’ll climb back down there πŸ™‚